Student Solution


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Home work assignment 8

Home work assignment 8

Q It is somewhat ironic that as the U. S. became much more urbanized in the 1890s-1920s that Americans as a whole became concerned about the urban, rural, and wilderness environments and “nature.” Yet they had very different views of those environments and how to “fix” them, use them, or preserve them. What were some of the different views regarding the urban, rural, and wilderness environments, and who held them? How did women, immigrants, the Native Americans, African Americans, and poor people fare with the changes in land, resources, and social policies that got established during this time?

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During the Progressive era, the 1890s to the 1920s, the American mindset, culture, and attitudes were evolving and shifting its focus from wariness to a conservative perspective. Their attitude and perception of saving America's wilderness and wildlife had changed through the influences of a need for reform that was being witnessed in everything