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History of the United States- Essential Questions - Chapter Five

History of the United States- Essential Questions - Chapter Five

Q How did the North American colonies achieve the remarkable population growth of the eighteenth century?Why did settlement patterns in New England change from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century?Why did immigrants flood into Pennsylvania during the eighteenth century?How did slavery influence the society and economy of the southern colonies?What experiences tended to unify the colonists in British North America during the eighteenth century?

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A great progress was made by the colonies of North America in terms of their population to more than 2 million by 1770 from 250,000 in 1700. Population expansion was made by the colonies in an immense manner. They turned to be diverse in religion, races and ethnic groups. Natural increase and immigration were the chief reasons that led to population expansion. Numerous births are meant by this. Population’s 1/4th was made by immigration and population’s 3/4th was made by natural increase (Roark et al., 2017).