Student Solution


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HUM 100Worksheet: Cultures and Artifacts

HUM 100Worksheet: Cultures and Artifacts

Q Open the worksheet that you worked on last week. To complete the second table, select three reasons for creating an artifact from the resources provided, or provide your own reasons. 1. In the first column, state the reason for creating an artifact. 2. In the second column, provide an example of an artifact that could have been created for the reason presented. 3. In the third column, state whether the artifact was created by an individual or a group, and provide the name(s) of the creator(s). 4. Select one of the artifacts listed and answer one of the questions following the worksheet: • Do you believe the creator was successful in achieving their purpose? OR • How do you think the artifact and the culture in which it was created could have influenced each other? Once the worksheet is complete, save the file a final time. Submit your completed worksheet for grading.

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Culture/Subculture Object Influence of Culture on the Object 1. Religion Bible Truth, Beliefs, Hope, Life, Chances 2. America Statue of Liberty Freedom, Hopes, Equality 3. Patriotism Citizenship The promise to stay united and get the fellow feeling.