Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Go to the website of the National Association for Gifted Children: to an external site.. Read the parent information on the website and answer the following questions. • How is giftedness defined? • How is giftedness measured? • What are the areas of giftedness, and what are the characteristics of each area? Why should gifted education be supported?

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1. Giftedness is identified by measuring intelligence with the appropriate tools and with a professional with sufficient experience in this field. That is why we always recommend that the assessment is carried out by psychologists who are experts in giftedness and high capacities. 2. Giftedness is commonly referred to when a person has an intellectual level two standard deviations higher than the population mean, which roughly corresponds to a 98th percentile and an IQ of 130 or higher. 3. -On the one hand, giftedness related to a high IQ refers to those academic abilities shown by students with high intellectual abilities.