Student Solution


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1 Subject

Formal paper draft

Formal paper draft

Q Description: Formal Paper 1 asks you to write a thesis-driven analysis and interpretation of one of the poems we’ve studied in class so far. In your analysis, you need to address both the content and the form of the poem, and you need to use literary terms you’ve learned in this course to address how the specific parts of the poem work together to contribute to the whole. Additionally, you should draw on at least one outside source to help you frame your discussion and support your claims. This source can be one of the critical lenses I’ve suggested in the PowerPoint on Mohja Kahf’s poem. Note that you do not have to analyze Kahf’s poem to use those lenses. For example, you can use Adrienne Rich’s idea of “re-vision” to analyze either Kahf’s re-vision of the figure of the “odalisque” or Bennett’s re-writing of fairytale “Snow White.” Length: • Between 800-1000 words (3-4 double-spaced pages)

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The aim of the following paper is to make an in-depth interpretation and analysis of one of the greatest sonnets by William Shakespeare – Sonnet 130. The thesis statement that is going to be established throughout the following brief paper is that – through the unconventional way of presenting a love sonnet, the poet has established one of the greatest realities and that is one does not need to be only physically beautiful to accomplish true love in his or her life. The form of the poem is visibly different than that of the conventional sonnets of Petrarch. Petrarchan sonnets used to be full of praise of the physical beauty of the beloved of the poet and the form was typical fourteen lines consisting eight lines first and six lines later.