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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Final Project Milestone 1 Audience Analysis

Final Project Milestone 1 Audience Analysis

Q Instructions In this course, the Final Project is a scenario in which you must knowledgeably and artfully communicate to an audience for a specific purpose. You can select from one of three scenarios based on your current experience level or desired professional achievement: • Cover letter for a job application • Memo to business colleagues to generate consent • Proposal to a supervisor or prospective client In this first milestone assignment, you will review the Final Project requirements, select your scenario, explain your choice, and conduct a brief analysis of your audience based on your scenario selection. This will give you the opportunity to consider your Final Project as a whole and leverage your audience analysis as an opportunity to begin planning for your final submission. Final Project Requirements - this is just an overview of what you will complete by the end of the course, not what is due for this assignment. Continue down to the instructions below for detail on what portion to complete for this specific assignment. • Audience analysis with selected communication framework for audience (to inform the written component) • Written component (cover letter, memo, or proposal) • Professional Pitch – 30 second verbal pitch that summarizes and “sells” written component, based on the summary of intent from milestone 2. Include a brief written explanation of how your communication changed from written to verbal, and the process of delivering the verbal pitch. Instructions To complete your Milestone 1 assignment, please submit the following: 1. Scenario selection: Choose from a cover letter for a job application, memo to business colleagues to generate consent, or proposal to a supervisor or prospective client 2. Explanation of selection: Why did you select this? How will it help prepare you in your own professional career? Write two to three short paragraphs (five to seven sentences each) with your explanation. 3. Audience analysis: Who is your audience? For instance, will it be coworkers or a hiring manager? Or perhaps it will be another business you’re submitting a proposal to? 1. Explain your intent - what is the purpose? 2. Determine your general audience and describe who your audience will be - think age, sex/gender, culture, religion, work experience, education experience, economic status, technical proficiency, and other factors (you will need to make some assumptions and create a profile of an imaginary audience for your scenario) 3. What are your audience’s explicit and implicit expectations? 4. Explain what communication method(s) you will need to use to appeal to your audience 5. How will you convey your message and ensure it is received as intended? 6. What do you need to avoid in your communication with this audience? Your submission should be two to three pages, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include a minimum of three sources to support your research and conclusions regarding your audience (these can include sources from your module readings and materials).

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The selected scenario for the Final Project will be about writing a cover letter for a job application by me. There will be a job chosen from the finance field of a finance company or any other company requiring to hire a candidate in the finance department. This is because there is already experience gained by me in the field of finance. Therefore, my chances to be selected in the field of finance will be more than being hired in any other field. A cover letter has been chosen by me because there has been knowledge gained about cover letters by me. This knowledge can be utilized by me to ensure that there can be a customized and most appropriate design, subject matter and format of cover letter written by me for my job application. If there is an effective cover letter written by me for my chosen job application, there can be development of understanding about the mindset of the employer or Human Resource Manager by me. This is because there can be feedback obtained by me from the reader of the cover letter about the effectiveness of my cover letter. A cover letter can make me realize the importance of addressing the requirements of employers and HR managers about knowing my skills, qualifications and achievements in brief. This is because some HR managers and employers can reject resumes after just checking the content of the cover letter. There can be learning of the proper format of every type of cover letter by me. There can be learning of addressing different organizational individuals at different levels in cover letters. This is because there can be different types of managers apart from owners who might have to be addressed in cover letters by me in future. The number of paragraphs required to be used by me in a cover letter can be learned by me professionally. There can be audience of my cover letter identified and analyzed by me. There can be topic sentences for each of the paragraphs of my cover letter framed by me effectively (Wali & Madani, 2020). There can be empathizing with the identified audience by me to ensure that no offensive or embarrassing sentences are used by me in my cover letter. There can be understanding of the values of individuals who might be required to be addressed by me in the field of finance by me. This is because professionals in the field of finance can have different mindsets in comparison with the mindsets of professionals working in other fields.