Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ferns and petals

Ferns and petals

Q Word count, which should be calculated electronically, must be stated accurately below. For details of what is included in the word count, and penalties incurred by exceeding the word count limit, please consult the coursework submission policy in the Faculty handbook. DECLARATION BY STUDENT This assignment is entirely my own work. Quotations from secondary literature are indicated by the use of inverted commas around ALL such quotations AND by reference in the text or notes to the author concerned. ALL primary and secondary literature used in this piece of work is indicated in the bibliography placed at the end, and dependence upon ANY source used is indicated at the appropriate point in the text. I confirm that no sources have been used other than those stated. I understand what is meant by plagiarism and have signed at enrolment the declaration concerning the avoidance of plagiarism. I understand that plagiarism is a serious academic offence that may result in disciplinary action being taken. I understand that I must submit work BEFORE the deadline, and that failure to do so will result in capped marks. Candidate no. A A32640 and can be found on Student Records) Module Title: 7QQMO515 19~20 Module Code: (e.g. 5AABC123 ) MARKETING STRATEGY & PLANNING Assignment: (may be abbreviated) Coursework Assessment Essay Title (where applicable): Fern and Petals Case Study Deadline: 12/06/2019 Date Submitted: 12/06/2019 Word Count: 2571 (without reference) Your assignment may be used as an example of good practice for other students to refer to in future. If selected, your assignment will be presented anonymously and may include feedback comments or the specific grade awarded. Participation is optional and will not affect your grade. Do you consent to your assignment being used in this way? Please tick the appropriate box below.

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The CEO of Fern and Petals which is a customized wallet brand, the CEO decided to step into the social media marketing from the traditional printed media advertising. Online promotion can help the organization to get the maximum progression for the organization as the world is becoming more and more digitalized day by day and people are spending more time on the social media. In his sales pitch, The CEO found it easier to persuade the consumers by focusing on the