Student Solution


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European Union_Expansion Plan

European Union_Expansion Plan

Q Students are asked to develop an expansion (or market entry) plan for Europe. Students should begin by identifying a local company that has little to no European presence outside of its home country. They can also use their ideas for a start up company, rather than choosing an already existing entity. It is suggested that students choose a subject matter expert (SME) in a country that is part of the EU or choose a firm from a non-EU country that has no EU presence but is ready to engage in international activity. Students will then analyze the European market and develop a strategy for how that company will expand into Europe. They should describe 1) briefly why the company is ready to being international activities, 2) whether the company’s product(s) are suited to a Europe-wide approach or whether they will need a multi-domestic strategy, 3) which specific national market(s) would the company expand to first, 4) what would their basic marketing and personnel strategy for those markets be, and 5) briefly identify future expansion plans which would build on the first market chosen in step three. In section three it is extremely important that students' reasoning is clearly defined. Students should state what criteria they have used to make their decision and why they felt those criteria were the most important for this business. Suggestions for company selection will be provided by the instructor.

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The paper focuses on expansion plan development of a startup company for Europe. The company is engaged in the manufacture of non-carbonated soft drinks. The industry that administers the company is the beverage industry. The company manufactures soft drinks in a wide range for fulfilling the differences in taste of the consumers. The target of the firm is to fulfill the specific preferences and needs of the consumers.