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Essay 2 Rough Draft 1

Essay 2 Rough Draft 1

Q Your complete rough draft of Essay Two is due by 11:59 p.m. CST on Thursday, February 10. Be sure to upload your completed essay as a .doc or .docx file; you should save the document as "Essay Two Peer Review_[your last name]" (mine would be saved as "Essay Two Peer Review_Aucoin"). If your essay is incomplete or submitted any later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Thursday, February 10, via this Essay Two Peer Review assignment, you will not be assigned to participate in this Peer Review session. Please see the "Essay Two Assignment" page for a reminder of this essay assignment's requirements. To submit your Peer Review rough draft, click "Submit Assignment." Then, under "File Upload," click "Choose File" and browse to locate your rough draft. Once you've found your rough draft (saved as a .doc or .docx file), click "Open" (you should see the document then listed next to "Choose File"). Finally, click "Submit Assignment." You then should see a check mark next to "Submitted" and the date/time of your submission listed. Remember that your essay should be complete (both in content and in length); this includes having a completed Works Cited page. Of note, I will not provide you with written feedback for this assignment; instead, you will receive feedback from your assigned Peer Review classmates via assignment comments. ___________________________________________________________________ Secondly, on Friday morning (February 11), I will assign you two peer review partners (Edited to add: all partners have been assigned). You then should review each of your assigned classmates' essays by fully and accurately answer the following questions as an assignment comment for each of them: 1. Does the writer's thesis statement indicate the chosen emotion, as well as three (or four) visual elements (per the list on the "Essay Two Assignment" page)? Double-check the writer's chosen visual elements to make sure they are included in the list of appropriate visual elements from which to choose (see the "Essay Two Assignment" page). 2. Does the summary body paragraph's topic sentence provide a general overview for the paragraph? 3. Does the target audience body paragraph's topic sentence indicate the one, specific target audience? 4. Does the definition body paragraph's topic sentence indicate the specific desired emotion and provide a general overview for the paragraph? 5. Does each visual element body paragraph's topic sentence indicate the visual element and its use to make the specific target audience feel the desired emotion? Double-check that the order of visual element body paragraphs aligns with the order of visual elements listed in his or her thesis statement. 6. Do all of the major supporting points within each body paragraph clearly relate to the topic sentence? 7. Are all of the writer's points and specific details logically arranged? 8. Did the writer clearly and effectively conclude each body paragraph? 9. Does the writer have a separate, brief, objective summary paragraph of the ad (1st body ¶)? 10. Does the writer have a separate paragraph devoted to the ad’s one, specific target audience (2nd body ¶)? 11. Does the writer have a paragraph re: the definition of his/her chosen emotion (3rd body ¶)? 12. Does the writer include the dictionary definition (only from the noted Oxford English Dictionary resource) in the definition body paragraph? 13. Does the writer use at least three approaches (comparison, examples, synonyms, negation, classification) in the definition body paragraph to explain the emotion? 14. Does the writer avoid referencing the advertisement in the definition body paragraph? 15. Does the writer have a separate, full paragraph for each visual element (body ¶s 4, 5, 6–and possibly 7, if 4 elements are discussed)? 16. Does the writer effectively explain in each of these visual element body paragraphs how the particular visual element helps the target audience feel the desired emotion? 17. Is the heading only on the first page of the essay, and does it include the correct information (in the correct order)? 18. Is the header correct on each page? 19. Is the essay's title centered, but not underlined, italicized, or in quotation marks? Check for a title both on page one of the essay and on the Works Cited page. 20. Is the entire essay double-spaced? 21. Are the essay's margins correct? 22. Does the writer use the correct font? 23. Are both entries on the writer's Works Cited page double-spaced, properly indented (if necessary), and listed in alphabetical order (per the first word of each entry)? 24. Do the Works Cited page entries include all required information in the correct order and with the proper punctuation? 25. Are all in-text citations correct? 26. Is all direct language from the ad and the Oxford English Dictionary definition placed in quotation marks in the essay? Remember that these (the writer's chosen printed magazine ad and his or her chosen emotion's definition from the OED) are the ONLY two sources that may be used in this essay. 27. Is the essay at least 3 1/2 full pages in length (not counting the Works Cited page) when the essay is properly formatted? 28. Indicate three positive points about the essay. 29. Provide at least one piece of helpful advice that the writer can use as he/she revises his/her essay. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Be sure to respond directly to your assigned classmate via this assignment. I have included here directions that explain how to complete your assigned reviews Download directions that explain how to complete your assigned reviews. As you are answering the above-listed 29 questions for each of your assigned classmates, please write in complete sentences, use formal English, and number your responses (1-29). You will be graded on clearly, fully, and accurately answering all questions. Due Date/Times: There are two required parts to this activity: 1. Your complete Peer Review rough draft is due on February 10, by 11:59 p.m. CST. 2. Your responses to two assigned classmates' essays are due on February 11, by 11:59 p.m. CST. Because of this quick turnaround, this assignment will remain accessible through 12:00 p.m. CST (noon) on February 12, should you need a little extra time to complete your responses without penalty. It will close and no longer be accessible at that time, though (12:00 p.m. CST (noon) on February 12)). If you do not provide responses for your two assigned classmates, then you will not receive credit for this assignment, and you may not be permitted to participate in our next Peer Review session. The rubric used to grade this assignment is posted here Download The rubric used to grade this assignment is posted here. PreviousNext

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