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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Educational Supervisory Practices I _ Discussion 1

Educational Supervisory Practices I _ Discussion 1

Q According to Glickman et al., shared (instructional) leadership is one of the major characteristics of a dynamic school. What do you see as three major benefits of shared leadership? Please explain. Now, consider your current organization. Describe the types of leadership opportunities distributed throughout the organization. What recommendations do you have to increase effective shared leadership within your organization?

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The three chief advantages of shared leadership are as follows: ? Committed behavior and innovation is promoted by the sharing leadership act among the members of the team ? The composition of companies that are virtualized firms are transformed by shared leadership a and teams are reintegrated ? Interdependence bonds are created by the individuals through shared leadership exercise and teamwork is favored (Goldsmith, 2019).