Student Solution


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Educational Psychology_ Written Assignment 8.3

Educational Psychology_ Written Assignment 8.3

Q Design a classroom paper and pencil testing program consistent with the testing issues presented in mini-lecture 8.3 and your text. Your program should also be consistent with what we know about the cognitive psychology of learning and remembering (e.g., use of tactics and strategies, metacognitive awareness, information processing theory). Make explicit reference to both topics in your answer. Be sure to address the following; take home versus in class, open versus closed notes, announced versus unannounced, essay versus objective format, and frequency of testing.

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Paper pencil testing making can be very time consuming as well as tedious work. The teacher has to scan through the topic material and point out the problems to be given in order to take a conceptual test. As a test is something that requires preparation, and the preparation has to start from time ahead. The differences between the different factors that make the test worth giving in order to understand the student’s capability to comprehend the material learn from the resources as well as, to remember what he had learned in class and personally by reading.