Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Essay 5 (Covid)


Q Our most-recent crises: For week 5 of American Crises, write a time capsule-like essay to future Americans explaining what it was like to experience this crisis firsthand. Touch on all of these issues to some degree, but emphasize and link 'em as you see fit, based on your actual lived experience: • covid itself • quarantine • technology • economy • race / police • election year • uncertainty about future Citations to support each claim, like youtubes of protests, articles about covid's death rates, etc. 6-10 paras, like always. Due Sunday night. (grades Monday)

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The American crisis of COVID-19 in the year of 2020 had been perhaps a nightmare come true for every American citizen. This is because this crisis had not been like anthrax attacks or not so dangerous coronavirus of the past. This American and global crisis (originating from Wuhan in China) had been filled with development of potential of the virus to make the full year of 2020 disastrous ( This is because mass fatalities had become common for our country to be observed on a regular basis. The rate of infection of American citizens had kept getting enhanced from one to more than 2.6 million eventually