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Dynamics Discussion board 8

Dynamics Discussion board 8

Q Table 6.4 on pages 122-123 in your text provide a list of "Ten Bad Listening Habits", along with explanations and suggestions for improvement. Reflect this week on some of your own "bad" habits included in this list. Tell us about a particular situation in which one of your bad habits resulted in a less-than-ideal outcome in a professional, educational, or personal situation. What specific steps will you take to improve your listening skills? How can improving communication skills help improve team performance?

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I have always been in confusion in describing oneself to be a good listener or a bad one. According to some people I, am a good listener, especially when they are sharing their personal issue with me and then I console them and give them some suggestion to make the things better. But personally I feel that I am not a good listener for among the list of bad listening habits I have the habits of getting distracted and then faking the listening.