Student Solution


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Dr. Faustus Play Analysis

Dr. Faustus Play Analysis

Q THEATRE HISTORY: Greek to Elizabethan PLAY ANALYSIS: Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe REQUIREMENTS: Write analysis on an ESSAY form 2 FULL page long minimum 1” margin Double space Times New Roman size. 12 Only include on the Header: - Course’s name - Your name - Title of play GUIDELINES: 1. Summarize in 3 to 4 sentences the plot of the play. 2. Message the playwright wanted the audiences to know. 3. What did you learn about the play? 4. Which scene was the strongest for you, and why? 5. History of playwright’s life – personal, educational, employment, artistic 6. Discussion of the playwright’s primary genre/style 7. Important events (political, socio-economical, etc.) that took place when play was written and how these events influenced the playwright?

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The main character of the play Dr. Faustus is a person with expert knowledge in medical, religion, law, and logic yet he is quite dissatisfied with it thus he calls upon his two friends, Valdes and Cornelius who gives him the idea of black magic. He then calls Mephistopheles, the servant of Lucifer and makes a pact with Lucifer where Mephistopheles will be his servant for 24 years and that he will give his soul after that to him. Dr. Faustus signs the pact with his own blood. Mephistopheles gives him whatever he wants and he performs several magic around the world and