Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ13_criminal law


Q Read “Criminal Law in the News” on page 181. Offer or obtain an example of an excuse-defense that strikes you as silly, absurd, inappropriate, outrageous, etc. Has our system gone overboard in allowing these defenses? Why or why not?

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I came across a case of speeding where the accused, an Islam man defended himself by saying that he has two wives and it would be really difficult for him to take care of his two wives without his license. Due to the fact that if a person gets caught while speeding his or her license can be taken by the court according to the British rules his driving license should have been ceased. The man named Mohammed Anwar, who was apparently 51years old, had been caught “driving at 64mph in a 30mph zone” (The Scotsman, 2008). When the police officers caught him red handed he pleaded guilty in the court.