Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Doris Is Coming

Doris Is Coming

Q Part 1: In a single post, do the following: Note two "golden lines" from the story, lines that stood out to you for some reason, and give an explanation why for each (3 or 4 sentences for each is fine). Note one question you have about the story, something you hope your classmates can help you understand a little better. Or pose a question that you hope will illicit some different perspectives.

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The entire story, “Doris is coming” is very enriching because it fortifies valuable aspects of life. The story has underpinned certain beautiful quotes, which forces to ponder upon on the true essence of life. Nevertheless, out of all those quotes, two of my favorites are: 1. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” This line stood out for me because of the intensity it beholds. As per my understanding of this line, any individual who is in love or desire of the earthy things, such as desire of flesh, eyes, possessions and others, he or she is refraining themselves to view life as bigger picture.