Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion doctoral program

Discussion doctoral program

Q The final discussion forum serves as an opportunity for self-reflection – on both the course and your experiences over the last few weeks. Please use this opportunity to reflect upon and share your thoughts about the course, instructor, content, readings, etc., and their relevance to your own personal learning goals. A true self-reflection is individually driven and there are no definitive requirements or restrictions on this discussion. I do ask, however, that you be honest in your narrative. Consider this an opportunity to engage in your own peer review of the course. Below are some thought-provoking questions for consideration as you reflect. Was the course consistent with your expectations of a doctoral program? Why or why not? Did the course support your personal learning goals? Why or why not? Having completed the course, was it worth the time and effort spent? Are you leaving the course having grown as a practitioner-scholar? What were the best parts of the class? What were the worst? What changes would you recommend for the course?

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The course was consistent with my expectations of a doctoral program. I can learn a lot about the change management and how leadership and communication can play an important role in the change management. this course helped me to understand that employees of the organization are needed to be involved in the entire process of the organizational change in a proper manner.