Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 7_Leadership

Discussion 7_Leadership

Q Thinking about the five steps in the creative process, identify how your chosen leader exemplified some or all of these steps in the creative process as elements of personal, political, and positional power to effect change in organizational culture. In your response posts to classmates, discuss how your chosen leader's skills in using the creative process differ from the skills of your peers' chosen leaders.

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Creative process is a very important part of the total organizational process as it is important for a leader to follow the creative process. My chosen leader is Mark Zuckerberg who is the founder of Facebook and it can be said that Mark Zuckerberg is a person who has always recognized creativity as something really important. According to our text book, the five stages of creativity are recognizing a problem perfectly, having good insights about a problem, immersion, incubation and the ability to verify and apply the solutions (DuBrin, 2019).