Student Solution


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1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 5_Art

Discussion 5_Art

Q Choose a work of art from Module 5 or the reading and analyze the iconography presented (different from the one you chose in the .1 discussion). Does the Iconography convey a didactic moral message? If so, what is the message? How does the message relate to its function? What does it tell us about it's cultural context? Here are some suggested images to choose from: Fall of Man Meat Still Life Money Changer and his Wife French Ambassadors You may also choose a Northern Renaissance artwork from outside of the course, but it must be from the 16th Century, and please include the image in your post.

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“Meat Still-Life” by Pieter Aertsen is a masterpiece depicting a seemingly simple scene of a meat market, consisting of possibly every type of meats, fishes etc. along with a scene with Biblical reference in the background. Just like the other artists of that time period, Pieter Aertsen’s piece conveys a direct and intended social, political and moral message by drawing references from the Bible. The raw scene of the meat stall can make any non-vegetarian person baffled due to its vivid and didactic presentation of dead animals. People are generally accustomed with getting meat generally from the Supermarket aisles and in the supermarkets meat are being sold differently which is not like this.