Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 5 (3)

Discussion 5 (3)

Q Question: Begin the discussion by defining ethics. Discuss both business ethics and societal and/or personal ethics. Then, research an organization with strong ethical values including stated commitment and actions to being socially responsible. Some would consider this organization to be a “fairy tale” company (Non-profits don’t count for this assignment).

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Research that organization and then discuss the organization that you have selected in the following terms: 1. Effectiveness: Provide examples that the company is meeting goals of being socially responsible. 2. Solid ethical practices: All units of the organizations should be ethical, not just one unit “showcased” on the company website. 3. The company is a leader in their ethical endeavors. Be sure to provide solid reference support for your organization and detailed evidence of its ethical and socially responsible behaviors.