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Discussion 25 (2)

Discussion 25 (2)

Q Discussion - The Science of Meditation - Discussion Group 1 From PSYC-01A-52041 1515 unread replies.1515 replies. Do you get pre-test jitters? Are you so nervous about an upcoming exam that you can't relax? Did you know that carrying stress in later life can lead to health problems? Read the following article from Psychology Today, "The Science of Meditation (Links to an external site.)" to learn why meditation might be a good idea to relieve stress. Did you know that research supports the idea that there are benefits to as little as 10 minutes of meditation? Have you ever tried meditation, or known somebody who meditates? Do you think meditation might work for you? Reply in 250-300 words, and respond to two other students in 75-100 words. Note: Click the options button in the upper right corner to see the rubric for this exercise. This topic was locked Jul 12, 2020 at 11:59pm.

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Do I get pre-test jitters? Yes, I do. I get super stressed out. I usually sit in silence for about 5 minutes, so I can gain more clarity on the test I have to take. I am aware of the recent research in which meditating brings about dramatic effects in as little as a 10-minute session. Several studies have demonstrated that subjects who meditated for a short time showed increased alpha waves (the relaxed brain waves) and decreased anxiety and depression. I personally love meditation. I have been meditating for five years now.