Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q 1. Why is control an important managerial activity? 2. How well does your company (or a previous one) perform the steps in the control process? 3. What does the organization need to do better? 4. Using the video "Convince Executives to Measure Performance" and the chapter readings as your foundation, what best practices do you recommend for improving performance measurement at your work or school?

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I think that controlling is very important in an organization because the management needs to have the grip of the entire situation. It is not that I am against the factor of giving freedom to the employees. I just want to point out that the hierarchy has to be aware of the events taking place in the base level. The hierarchy must monitor and control where necessary. In case the managers are not controlling the activities of their employees, there will be much chaos, in order to avoid such chaotic situations, controlling is important. Control of the hierarchy means that the people in the highest position will be aware of the activities in their organization. Without the approval of the hierarchy, the base level employees cannot do anything.