Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Q CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY ? Students will submit a PowerPoint presentation outlining the specific strategies they used to complete the marketing simulation. Students will outline the specific pricing, targeting (customer segmentation), distribution, promotional, and competitive strategies they used. Additionally, students must discuss why they felt the particular strategy was best suited for the simulation and the overall results generated from the implementation of their selected strategies. Students must be able to support their strategies. This is the critical assignment for the MKT333 course Principles of Marketing course and must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course. Please note the due date for this assignment is Wk. 8, Day 3. Late submissions of this assignment will not be accepted. ? Caution, students should not submit a paper simply outlining their results but instead, why you selected the specific strategies and what strategies you would change and why. In other words, this PowerPoint should be reflective of the lessons learned and not a simple recap of your results. ? Assignment requirements: ? PowerPoint Presentation ? Minimum of 10 slides ? Discussion of each strategy, the expected results, and the actual results ? Integration of a Christian perspective - scripture references to support your decisions ? Adhere to all APA standards ? The PowerPoint presentation should be designed as if the students were presenting their results to a Board of Directors. Therefore, presentation speaking notes should be included in the "notes" section of each slide. ? Recommendation: Student's should print out a copy of the rubric to ensure each component has been satisfied.

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Structure and comprehension of marketing concepts ? Product ? Production concept ? Marketing concept ? Selling concept ? Societal marketing concept Simulation Pricing Strategy ? As the backpack is for the young generation and for the student, therefore, the price should not be on the higher side. ??Price will be ranged between $75-150. ? Price of backpack will be the lowest in the market than its competitors.