Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Child Health Plan Part 1, 2 and 3

Child Health Plan Part 1, 2 and 3

Q Please combine and submit Parts One, Two and Three of the Healthy Children Plan + Title Page and References Page Part 3 Criteria: 1. Time -Line ( 3 options – see PowerPoint for instructions on each option) • Description of how the physical condition develops must follow a logical sequence in your timeline • Timeline must include a List and Description of ALL assessments, screening, diagnostic tools (cited and referenced). 2. Plan to support your child • Describe in detail ALL Intervention strategies (cited and referenced). • Describe in detail ALL of the professionals who helped your child and their roles in supporting the child (cited and referenced). 3. Four (4) Resources. Resources described Must include the following: • Resource Name • Name of Organization (If applicable) Location • Website • Mission of the Resource • ALL Resources & Support/Services provided • Explanation of how the resource supports your child • Explanation of how the Resource supports your child’s family 4. Two (2) Intervention Strategies The 2 Intervention strategies must Include the following for each • Agency and Practitioners Names • Describe the strategy in detail • What are ALL of the possible outcome of the intervention Important: • Check spelling • Check grammar • Refer to your child by the child's name • Do Not copy and paste questions or criteria • Must be written in paragraph form • ALL statistics and information must be referenced, per APA • Check your Turnitin Score to make sure it is Low PreviousNext

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The first few years of a child’s life are crucial for his healthy growth and set the course for his healthy transition into adulthood. A child needs an efficient caregiver who can support all his needs and requirements during the initial years of his life, as the child is entirely dependent on others for all his daily activities. However, there are many factors that go into the development of the child, and the physical environment and the surrounding of the child and his immediate family plays a significant role in the physical development of his body and mental wellbeing. A baby is expected to be healthy if they are plump and has big, round dimpled cheeks and knees.