Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Chelsia Forum 6

Chelsia Forum 6

Q How have you, personally, or your family experienced social mobility in your lifetime? Are you the same 'social class' today that you were as a child? Have you ever 'jumped up' or 'down'....and if so, what was the event that triggered that? Often times, job changes are the influencing factor, or moving towns. What was it like to experience this change?

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1. My family and I have definitely experienced social mobility in our lifetimes. We have all experienced something or the other that has uplifted our statuses. I remember as a child, living with my parents and my siblings within close quarters in a cramped apartment. As I was growing up, things started getting better.