Student Solution


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1 Subject



Q 1. Individuals make common errors in everyday analysis of situations that can be overcome using scientific principles. What errors do people commonly make in reasoning? Give an example of one type of error. 2. Tradition and authority are forms of personal human inquiry. Describe each perspective and give an example of each by using an example scenario from the criminal justice field.

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Unfortunately, we all individuals do make some or the other error in reasoning. This errors cold either be in own words, or it might be when any two persons are debating among each other with an issue with some other person involved into the debate procedures. Thus, when reason fails individuals are mainly found to commit or make some defective or unsound argument. One such error is the cause and effect error which occurs when the person is able to assume that something directly causes something else but, the outcome received herein is completely a matter of coincidence (Malthus, 1878).