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Chapter 8 Technology in the Workplace 2 Discussion QUESTIONS (Question 1 Please Answer Re Video and Chapter)

Chapter 8 Technology in the Workplace 2 Discussion QUESTIONS (Question 1 Please Answer Re Video and Chapter)

Q Question 1 Please Answer Re: Video and Chapter COLLAPSE Remember, only answer to this thread and reply to a minimum of 2 classmates: Question 1: Discuss an example of a time when you misunderstood another person in a text message, email or instant message. How did you respond to the misunderstanding? Did you and the other person clear things up in person, or was it done electronically?

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During the beginning of the last month, I had an e-mail conversation with my cousin brother about watching a movie at a specific venue and at a specific time. I had e-mailed and initiated the conversation with my cousin brother. I had fixed the venue and the time to be near my location of inhabitance and dwelling. My cousin brother had agreed to my proposal and had confirmed to be present at the decided venue at the specified time to watch the movie.