In the first video I learned how the Covalent bond
Chapter 8 Discussion Board
Q Discuss a time when a bureaucratic institution was reduced or expanded in response to a specific event or series of events?
What are the pros and cons of these response-based changes?
One of the most memorable, and possibly, important examples of expansion of a bureaucratic institutions comes from the events that took place on September 11th, 2001. This event lead to a major expansion in bureaucracy with the conception of the Department of Homeland Security by former President George W. Bush. The creation of this institution consolidated numerous responsibilities managed by a number of other sectors of the government. Some examples include TSA, the Secret Service, and the Coast Guard. When it comes to the pros and cons of these institutions expanding or retracting, focusing specifically on the introduction of the DHS, there are many of each. Some pros include some basics like the simple fact that it gives the American people a sense of safety and security.