Q Write a four paged response paper to the following question, explaining thoroughly your answer, examples, and thoughts about the question/topic. To be clear, this assignment will be AT LEAST four pages (1”margins all the way around, double spaced, font 12) One of the topics explained in the chapter is about problem solving and the dynamics involved in a team format. Using an example you have seen of REAL problem solving WITHIN A TEAM, walk through the five steps of Dewey’s (1910) problem solving strategy with the REAL things that went on to solve the problem in your example. Explain what the problem was, the dynamics of the team, and explain how the team went through (what they did) for each of Dewey’s five stages. What was the end result? Was the team successful in solving the problem? Explain thoroughly related to the discussion in your book. You may also relate it to the short “team” video for this week.
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