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Chapter 4-Discussion 2

Chapter 4-Discussion 2

Q Imposing tougher sentences on crimes is a hallmark of a rational choice perspective. This perspective suggests that a criminal will "rationally" choose not to commit a crime if the punishment is severe enough. Three Strikes enacted in 1994 (modified in 2012) in California embraces this type of deterrence model. View the video below on 3 strikes and discuss. Discussion Prompt Do you agree that as a society we should increase punishment for repeat offenders? Is 3 strikes a good policy? Was the change to the 3 Strikes policy in 2012 a good reform? Are there enough issues with 3 Strikes that would justify overturning the policy as a whole? Is all criminal behavior rational? These questions are only suggested for the discussion you are not required to cover all of them in your response. Provide a discussion post to this prompt AND reply or comment to at least one other post. You must first post a response before seeing other replies.

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Punishment should be increased for repeat violent offenders. It should be progressive punishment. Some rights should be set aside/suspended, and restrictions should be implemented. Rights are already restricted, but it should go further to serve as a deterrent. Voting and Second Amendment rights are suspended for felons, so why stop there? How about modifications to the Eighth Amendment of cruel and unusual punishment for violent offenders? The more crimes they commit, the more rights are suspended.