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1 University

1 Course

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Chapter 1-Assignment 2

Chapter 1-Assignment 2

Q Concept Summary "Box" 1.4 in chapter 1 highlights three central theoretical perspectives. Many times criminologists align themselves with one of these perspectives, which in turn, shapes how they view crime, its causes, remedies, and research interest. View the following news report and commentary on a criminal incident associated with a college fraternity. Which theoretical perspective would be most useful in understanding the hazing death of this student? Explain your answer in a short write-up in less than 200 words.

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The consensus view would be most useful in this scenario because there is agreement from the college and from society that this type of behavior is outlawed. The hazing that took place is a "behavior believed to be repugnant to all elements of society" (Siegel 16). Penn State put out a statement regarding the tragedy and condemned the students who stood by while Timothy was fighting for his life. The consensus view can help us understand that most of society believes that this behavior "should be outlawed by the criminal law and henceforth viewed as crimes" (Siegel 16).