Habitat is the place or region where plants and an
Carbon Footprint Activity Pandemic
Watch the Extra Credit video to learn how to fill out and submit this Carbon Footprint Worksheet for +4 extra credit for written assignments.
due: Sunday, May 1 @ 11:59 PM
1) Household energy usage: a. items like televisions, computers, and electronics use power when plugged in, even if turned off b. if you don’t cook/do laundry/vacuum/etc ASK whoever does this activity in your household to get figures Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Item Watts/hr Hrs per day used? Minutes/day divide by 60 (5 min shower / 60 min = . hrs/day) Days per year used in home 365 days – whole year 183 days – ½ year 130 = 2-3 times per week 90 days – 3 months 52 = once per week 12 = once per month Watts hr / year Multiply Column B x Column C x Column D Kilowatts hr / year Column E divided by 1,000