Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M14 Discussion : Metacognition


Q What is metacognition? Have you ever heard of it before? Metacognition (Links to an external site.) is the act of thinking about your thinking-- in this case on what you have learned in the course. Write a discussion response that reflects on what you have learned so far in this course about writing essays and conducting research. How is your approach different from when you started the course?

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In terms of writing an essay, I have learnt about the intricacies that goes into the development of each essay. I have developed a writing habit that incorporates a balanced thesis statement followed by the introduction of several topic sentences. Topic sentences from what I have been able to gather in this course leads the way to the the introduction of sub - topics that highlight the different streams of evidences that goes into the making of the central argument of the essay