Student Solution


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Q Research Proposal For this course, you’ll be building one final academic research paper to highlight the wealth of information you learned at Grantham. As part of your degree plan, you were asked to concentrate in several areas. Your research paper must address a profession-related issue from at least two discipline perspectives. These disciplines come from courses you’ve taken either as electives or concentrations. Examples of disciplines are: Psychology, Sociology, Government, History, Computer Science, Business, Literature, Economics, and Criminal Justice. In developing your topic, think of something you are passionate about. For example, a nursing student might be interested in work conditions; specifically - why do nurses experience burnout. The student might interweave Psychology and Business – and write a paper about “The effects of overtime on nursing burnout” (see more examples). Needless to say – the critical thinking aspect of this course begins with this assignment. You are tasked with coming up with a topic that creatively intertwines multiple disciplines throughout the course. For this week, you will prepare your research proposal. The purpose of the research proposal is to demonstrate that you have done enough preliminary reading/research in the topic of interest to develop a plan for your research. (download the proposal template). Your proposal needs to build a convincing case for your research as a viable project to be accomplished within the available time and resources of this course. The proposal becomes the first section of your final research paper. The proposal is the most important document that you submit as part of the research process. It sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It identifies the two disciplines of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic. It gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly, concisely and critically (download an example proposal). The elements of the research proposal are: • Title • Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) • Statement of the Problem (1 paragraph) • Purpose of the Study (1 paragraph) • Research Questions • Study Significance (1 paragraph) • Conclusion • References (3-4)

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Impact of business in physical and mental health of the employees Healthcare system and business are the two different fields that go almost hand in hand. For a business, it is very important to promote healthcare system otherwise the people in the business setting will have a tendency to have health issues. At present, it is seen that workplaces are giving excessive pressure and die to that pressure; the personal lives of the employees are fully ruined. In some cases, the employees are not at all having the proper personal life. Their one single target is to achieve a better position in the workplace. At the time of doing this, the employees pay very little attention to their health and they do not care for the symptoms of health hazards shown by their internal systems. This negligence