Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Bias Free Education

Bias Free Education

Q Promoting a bias-free education: Creating a Safe, Inclusive and Equitable School Climate Policy Although many schools have a declaration and commitment to fostering a positive school climate, it is important that the school have a clear policy that defines what an equitable school climate is and what the expectations are to help reach that goal. Below is a short survey to help you assess your depth of anti-bias traits. Please complete the survey honestly. Next, use APA formatting and create a narrative of (a) what it was like for you to complete this survey, (b) any surprises you incurred, and (c) any goals you might set. Upload your narrative report to this location by Week Three on Sunday, 11:59pm. This assignment is worth 40 points. Link to Survey

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I believe that all schools should have a clear policy that defines what an equitable school is. Students, teachers, and staff have their own traditions, beliefs, and values; however, we must learn how to respect others that are different from ours. We do this by creating an Anti-Bias school environment. Schools must have a goal to incorporate bias education into the schools and have a vision so students can see what that looks like. My school’s mascot is a wolf and as a wolf you must have respect, accountability, integrity, be persistence and collaborate. I took an anti-bias survey in class to see how the questions will help me reflect on diversity experiences at my school.