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Assignment Step 12

Assignment Step 12

Q Step 12: Media+ Identity Tension Chart(Assignment) Directions: Review the explanation video (4 min)Links to an external site. Review the CRAAP Worksheet Links to an external site. Complete the Media+ Identity Tension Chart Links to an external site.for the 3 class readings and 3 credible/ reliable library sources Submit as PDF or DOC (continue to use if it helps you prepare for your annotated bibliography)

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Reading - Page 537 “An Introduction: At the Root of Identity” CRAAP Score - 42 One Sentence Statement of Argument - There are different things people have to deal with that form their identities, including race, gender, sexuality, etc. These form one’s identity and place in society and stereotypes play an integral role in that. Possible Counterarguments; What ifs? Instead of one’s gender, race, or sexuality determining one’s identity, it is the society which determines it and give a person their identity.