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Applied Final Project Part 2 Research Essay

Applied Final Project Part 2 Research Essay

Q PART 2: RESEARCH ESSAY Using the UMGC library and the Internet to ?nd scholarly and credible information on your topic, you are to write an essay that summarizes what the social science literature says about your topic. Your essay should be about 1500 words and follow APA style (7th edition). Be sure to use in-text citations and include a reference list. Copy and paste your case study at the beginning of your document to provide the context for your research essay. (This will not count towards your word total.) Your essay should be written in your own words and you should always cite any ideas that come from another source. Do not use quotations or copy verbatim from another author. Your essay will be graded according to the following components: • Statement of the Problem: A statement of the key issues that must be explored in order to resolve your case study. • Incorporation of research ?ndings from at least 10 credible sources published within the past 10 years. These ?ndings will be used to support a parenting action plan. At least 5 of these sources must be scholarly. At least 3 of the sources must have been published within the last 2 years. • Correct use of in-text citations and reference list (using APA 7 edition). • Use of APA 7 edition format (1” margins, standard font, double spacing, page numbers, etc.). • Demonstration of strong writing skills. Submit your essay to the assignments folder and run the paper through (You can do this from within the assignments folder. No need to use a separate account). If you submit your work before the deadline, you can use the Turnitin report to evaluate whether your paper requires additional editing.

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CASE STUDY The current case study involves a teenager who is 14 years of age. She is restless, has a bit of insecurity, is low in confidence and is an introvert. She belongs to an upper middle-class family and lives with her parents. Her father is a working professional and her mother is a home maker. Right from the development of awareness this girl has seen her parents in constant conflict or argument. She realizes that both do not like staying with each other but only for her they stay together. Due to this reason, she blames her existence and has tried to commit suicide many a times. SCENARIO -Parental conflict and argument The most crucial part of anybody’s life is the teenage period. Also known as adolescence this is the time which witnesses fast biological as well as psychosocial changes. Naturally these changes will have a deep impact on the relationships the child is having with- parents, peers, family, friends and own self. My paper is focused on the parent-child relationship. As the child grows up, he develops his own unique perspective of the world, he develops own thought process, own opinions and also his decision-making abilities have just begun to develop. We have studied the importance of both nature as well as nurture in the