Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Q After listening to this 15-minute podcast, post a thoughtful comment in this Discussion by clicking on "Reply" below, and then add a comment to the post of one of your classmates. Each should be at least 100 words and should go beyond, "I agree." and "That's interesting." Note: You will need to post your initial comment before you can see those of your classmates.Watch the classic ethnographic film, Cannibal Tours (1988), by Dennis O'Rourke. Post your thoughts about how the film relates to issues raised in your other assigned material about research methods in anthropology. How do the tourists in Cannibal Tours compare to anthropologists in their assumptions and attitudes toward local people, interactions with them, and efforts to understand them? What can you learn about how to do anthropological research from this film?

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From the provided podcast, it has been understood that Farrah Jarral has stated about her bad luck and how anthropology has changed everything in Malinowski. Contribution of Farrah cannot be ignored or overlooked. Malinowski has showed the entire world how ethnographic should be treated. The native life of the tribal people, such as gift exchange system has been mentioned in this podcast showing a rich heritage. She has mentioned how log it took to record that particular system. Even the mention of simple gifts and shell necklace with intricate design and detailing astonished her while recording the lives of native people mentioned in the book.