Student Solution


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1 Course

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BA_C_HIST101017_ American History ll Discussion 6

American History ll_Discussion 6

Q There are a lot of misconceptions about FDR's New Deal. I would like for you to discuss the impact that The New Deal had on the Great Depression. In your response, reflect on the politics of The New Deal and if you feel that FDR was being too aggressive or if he did not do enough to ensure the success of the programs.

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First, an individual has to be a good listener- while words do matter, most of the time, we communicate through nonverbal cues. Even if someone avoids talking to a certain person, this is also a kind of communication. Listening to a person can be a both way communication. If I speak something intending to inform someone about something and the person hears me, understands me and affirms me that he understood; then my communication is effective. In case if the person would not have heard me or would not have understood me, then it could have been called ‘ineffective communication’.