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Advanced Strategic Management Assignment Module 4

Advanced Strategic Management Assignment Module 4

Q 1. Discuss in scholarly detail how strategic analysis at the corporate level differs from strategic analysis at the business unit level. How are they related?

Q 2. Discuss in scholarly detail some critical limitations and shortcomings of the portfolio approach to strategic analysis. 3. Discuss in scholarly detail size, age, management, business definition, linkages and other factors as the focus of strategic analysis and choice across multiple businesses and their interface with a parent company.4. What are key concerns functional tactics must address in marketing? Finance? POM? Personnel? Discuss in detail.5. How can policies control decisions while defining allowable discretion in which operating personnel can execute business strategies? Describe several ways in scholarly detail.

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The corporate level strategic analysis focuses on the choice of domain. The chief question addressed here is: What should be done by the businesses so that value is maximized to our stockholders? The resource allocation issue among the owned business is linked to this question. On the other hand, the focus of strategy of the business unit is on creating in the industry competitive advantage. The two strategy levels are linked as the choices at the level of business unit will be affected by the allocation of resources at the corporate level.