Q Academic Writing Quiz Video name: What Is Academic Writing? Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq4J8bPBcck Alternate link: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTEwNDAyNjkzNg==.html Task 1: Before watching Answer the following questions before watching the video. What do you think academic writing is? Write a short definition below. What do you think are the main features of academic writing? In other words, what features make it different from everyday writing? Write down as many ideas as you can. Task 2: What is academic writing? Complete the following definition of academic writing according to the video. Academic writing is writing which ideas, to the . How do student academic writing and expert academic writing differ? How are student and expert academic writing similar? Complete the following mind map showing the features of academic writing given in the video. The first letter of each word has been given. P__________ C_________ C____________ S_____________ B______________ O_____________ F_________________ The following is the first part of the article on Dengue Fever used in the video. What features of academic writing (from Q4 above) are highlighted? Label them appropriately. Some were referred to explicitly in the video, while others were not. Which features do the following examples refer to? The participants were interviewed over a period of 24 hours. Although Sterning (2018) claims that sufficient measures are being taken, most writers agree that current action is insufficient to tackle the problem in the long term (Green, 2019; Jones, 2019; Abbott and Goldstein, 2020).
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