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7.3 Research Brief Approaches to Training Designs

7.3 Research Brief Approaches to Training Designs

Q Many training approaches in aviation are linear by design. There are, however, alternate approaches that are more holistic or networked in their perspectives. Contrast these two approaches, linear v. holistic/networked, then provide a rationale to support the approach you believe is generally more effective. Orient your explanation with a particular venue (flight deck, maintenance, air traffic control) to illustrate the key points. Present this as a brief. Your brief should be approximately 800 words in length and should be written in APA format. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters. Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

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Approaches in case of training aviation employees are tried to be made as convenient and interesting as possible. Otherwise, there can be too much of monotonousness in trying to learn and accomplish new methods of flight simulation and real-time flight operations. Therefore, there have to be precautions taken for ensuring that newly hired employees in aviation organizations are not confused with the selection of a specific training approach. As modern flight-operations in the present situation have become more of multitasking carefully/appropriately, there cannot be traditional methods kept being utilized/applied to keep training aviation employees.