Student Solution


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7.3 - Case Study

7.3 - Case Study

Q Running head: Assignment: Case Study - Application of the ADA and Employment Law The Situation Sally calls sounding pretty upset. You ask her what happened, "Did you lose a 'Soufflé' today or something?" Not laughing, she starts to tell you she read that a disabled person was discriminated against by a franchise business because the company’s official website does not have an accessibility policy. A disabled person sued based on the denial of access to the company’s website and won! You state, "I guess that’s possible, denial of accessibility is an established legal ground to sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But, how in the world could a webpage not be accessible to a disabled person? Or, for that matter, how would it be accessible? How does that happen?" Sally replies, "I forgot one thing; the person suing was blind!" "It still doesn’t make sense to me," you state. Your Assignment View these two documents: • Avoiding Pitfalls in Online Sales to Consumers (PDF) Download Avoiding Pitfalls in Online Sales to Consumers (PDF) • Dunkin Donuts Website Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF).Download Dunkin Donuts Website Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF). Your Response You and Sally must investigate the Dunkin' Donuts® case because the company intends to integrate its webpage into the core of the business. You need to get ahead of this issue. 1. Using the Dunkin' Donuts case, list the basis of the violation of the ADA. 2. Analyze the facts and issues using the IRAC format. 3. Compare the applicability of the ADA to your device. 4. Do not forget to note the steps you must implement to guarantee that your website is compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. Submit your response as a Word document. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

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The reason for the violation was how Dunkin Donuts website has ignored the American Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. §12188) because of not having made the platform functional to screen-reading applications for all the disabled blind individual. Under that same Act, businesses better consider its websites accessible also to impair on personal machines, notebooks, tablet devices, mobile phones as well as other platforms. Some other infringement would be that of public housing, that comes within Title III of that same Act, who allows corporations to develop "reasonable modifications" to any ordinary methods of communication within the service of disabled individuals. Thus it demands that staff select the most suitable precautions to interact efficiently with clients with visual, auditory and talking impairment.