Student Solution


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1 Course

1 Subject

6.1 Misleading the State Inspector

6.1 Misleading the State Inspector

Q Scenario: Shana is a teacher in a child development center. The center has some great qualities but is out of compliance with numerous state licensing regulations. Shana is aware that the director sometimes gives incomplete or misleading information about these things to state licensing inspectors. She is struggling to know what to do: is she obligated to report the infractions to an inspector or the licensing agency? Violations include playground equipment that needs to be repaired, infrequent fire drills, rooms filled beyond their licensed capacity, and failure to maintain required adult: child ratios. Shana knows it isn’t right to mislead the state inspectors but is afraid to do anything that would jeopardize her employment; she is a single mother who supports her children on her salary. 1. What is your reaction to this case? 2. What are the different perspectives/values related to the dilemma? To whom do you/the teacher have obligations? 3. Identify two connections to the NAEYC Code of Ethics for each choice in the dilemma. 4. What kind of information would you need to best resolve this dilemma?

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I think that it is a great dilemma for Shana as she does not know whether she should fulfil her duty as a teacher or her duty as a mother. The main issue here is of priority/preference of Shana. If Shana does not report the matter to the state inspectors, she will be guilty of not fulfilling her responsibilities/obligations to the children and their parents. The coworkers are also members of the community to whom she has obligations.