Student Solution


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1 Subject

3-1 Blog_ Marketing Campaigns and SMART Goals

3-1 Blog_ Marketing Campaigns and SMART Goals

Q : In this assignment, you will blog about SMART goals and the role they have in marketing campaigns. In your blog post, respond to the following: • What is the difference between goals, strategies, and tactics? • What is the importance of setting SMART goals when creating a marketing campaign? What questions should be considered? • Provide examples to portray how marketing tactics align to strategies in order to support set goals. • How can you ensure that your SMART goals are met using key performance indicators (KPIs)? Explain using examples to support your rationale. Difference between goals, strategies, and tactics

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A goal can be considered as a broad basic result. On the other hand, strategy suggests a perfect approach that can lead to achieve the goal in a proper manner. Tactic is measures as a potential tool that is used for pursuing any kind of objective that is associated with the strategy (Haughey, 2015).