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2-1 The Container Store Video Case

2-1 The Container Store Video Case

Q paper, Performance. The citation is as follows: Cole Creative Group (Creator). (2010). "Working for the best: The Container Store" [Video file], Understanding business. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Write a minimum of 2 page paper that answers the following question: ?What principles of motivation are used to create a workplace which makes the Container Store such a great place to shop and one of the top companies in the United States in which to work? Include 1-2 scholarly resources to support your answer. Cite and reference your sources using APA format. Note: Websites are not scholarly references, use your textbook, weekly enrichment readings, and library resources. Submit your paper to Turnitin at least 48 hours prior to the due date.

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What principles of motivation are used to create a workplace which makes the Container Store such a great place to shop and one of the top companies in the United States in which to work? The principles of motivation that are used to create a workplace which makes the Container Store such a great place to shop and one of the top companies in the United States in which to work are the employees only. This particular company has created a great working culture and workplace environment for motivating and influencing the employees