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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

02 Instructor-Graded Assignment

02 Instructor-Graded Assignment

Q 1. “Despite the claims of male writers that the American Revolution represented a dramatic and positive change in the nature of society, the effects on women in the new United States were either negative or so temporary as to produce no lasting improvement in the situation of women.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Your answer should address the following topics: 1) the extent to which women received political benefits from the Constitution, 2) changes in the legal position of women, and 3) enhancement of the economic status of women, to the extent that it occurred. 2. “On balance, the concept of Republican Motherhood represented a more positive development than a negative trend for Anglo women in the United States. In the areas of marriage, education, and religion, the concept allowed women greater scope for their abilities. Only in politics did Republican Motherhood fail to help middle- and upper-class white women.” Evaluate this statement and illustrate your position with relevant examples. 3. Identify and give the historical significance of each of the following. When a male is the subject of a question, be sure to respond in terms of his attitude toward or his impact on women. A. Abigail Adams B. Phyllis Wheatley C. Judith Sargent Murray D. Thomas Jefferson E. Benjamin Rush To submit your assignment: • Save your document as a .docx or .doc file. • Use this file naming convention: LastNameAssignmentNumber.fileextension (Smith2.doc). • Click on Submit Assignment to upload your file. • Once you submit your file, you will not be allowed to make any changes to your submission.

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1. I agree with the statement that despite claims made by male writers, the American Revolution did not produce lasting improvements in the situation of women in the new United States. The times still reinforced traditional gender roles and excluded women from participating in politics or holding property as established by the existence of the Law of Coverture. This law dating back to the pre- colonial era did not change even after the Revolution. Women's legal position did not change significantly after the Revolution, and many of the gains made during the war were short-lived.