Student Solution


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Week 5 Global health DQ

Week 5 Global health DQ

Q Many achievements has been made in the battle of child health improvement, while other seemingly good measures have not played a role. After completing the readings and watching the video, what do you think would be contributive factors that cause high child mortality rate? Why is a particular program successful or unsuccessful? What is the role of social determinants of child health in the case(s) you have chosen? How would you improve the effectiveness in response to the limitations mentioned in the case(s) if you were in charge of policy making or evaluation? Please refer to at lease one case (four cases in Millions Saved, and the Angola case in the video). You can also compare and contrast different policies, measure and evaluation system, social conditions or other aspects between cases. You are also welcome to bring other sources during the discussion!

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First of all, the child mortality rate is high among the developing countries and the one of the fundamental contributing factors is lack of availability of the nutritional properties. It is doubtless that because of weak economic structure and governmental instability, the environmental and social barriers have become more manipulative for preventing access to the basic medical resources. Among the developing countries, more than 86% of the child death occurs because of premature births, several complications in time of delivery, perinatal asphyxia and severe infections. Among these, the maternal pregnancy complications are constant and the reasons behind them are high rate of illiteracy, injuries, domestic violence and lack of proper diet.