Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2_Vision and Values Statements

Week 2_Vision and Values Statements

Q The CEO of Acme Airlines, Wile E. Coyote, liked your Mission statement so well that he is now asking you to develop the Vision or Values statement for the organization. In Week 2, you are asked to come up with either a Vision or a Values statement for Acme Airlines.

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The vision statement of an organization is a perfect way of declaring both the long-term and the mid-term goals in a proper manner. In most of the cases, the mission statement has been confused with the concept of the vision statement. The vision statement for Acme Airlines is to evolve as the organization matures, however, remains the goals straight to the established objectives. The vision statement of Acme airlines will be to help the consumer to fly in a confident manner.