Student Solution


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Senior Seminar in Psychology_Week 2

Senior Seminar in Psychology_Week 2

Q Concerning Ethical Case Studies and the APA Ethical Guidelines First take a look at the 3 Case Studies below. Study 1, concerns Watson's famous Little Albert. Although we all know the story of Little Albert, we may not have read Watson and Rayner's original 1920's study. Take into consideration the context and spirit of the times or Zeitgeist, if you will, when analyzing this study and the next one. Study 2 tells the story of Wendell Johnson, or more specifically, Mary Tudor's study of children in an orphanage in Iowa. It's called the Monster Study for a reason as you will see. The Monster Study Study 3 concerns Seligman and Maier's (1967) Learned Helplessness study. Again, it helps to read these original studies when possible, so we can form our own judgments. Your assignment: Please read over these studies and select one to analyze. You will need to first review APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. You can find the link and other very useful information in the Psychology Learning Tools under Course Content. Go to the First Module (Intro to PSYC @ UMUC, and click on Ethical Guidelines and Considerations). You will find ethical considerations to current events and historical studies and understand more fully the reason why we need the ethical principles. Next, in your analysis, give some background information and then tell us which of the General Principles and/ or which Ethical Standard was violated, and explain why. Do you think that the study you choose would be approved by an IRB today? Why do you think the study was allowed or tolerated at the time?

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The famous Little Albert is a study that can be subject to a lot of ethical obligations. The psychologists involved in the experiment must take care of the fact that the subject must not be subject to any discomfort. The discomfort of the subject if any shall be mentioned before the experiment and the experiment should be conducted only with the consent of the people. Under section 3, the code of conduct it is ensured that the human subject participating in the study is not hurt and has not participated in a study and there is a requirement for the psychologist, to ensure that the subject can get affected due to the experiment in psychological or physical manner.